From a woman's perspective....

Telling you in the moment that it would never happen that she would stop seeing you.....yes, that turned out to be a lie. But something men will never understand is the fact that we (females in general) are constantly having to consider our personal safety when in the presence of a man. Especially when we are alone with a man that we have not known for very long.
Manipulation? Meh....I'd say (possibly) she said what she felt she needed to in the moment to guarantee a safe exit.

Then there is always the possibility that she meant that in the moment but then, after thinking about it a while, realized that it would be wrong to string you along if she did not feel the same. Or how bad for her own business it could be if she did feel the same.

This is a business. But it is a very personal and intimate service. We are all human beings with human feelings. I've never consciously chosen to catch feelings. Not sure that's really possible. But it is within your choice to realize that, in this hobby, if you catch is not likely to end well.

Another possibility is she may have gotten suspicious that you were hinting that you wanted to see her without compensating for her time. We tend to have that in the back of our minds whenever a client begins to talk about "relationship" stuff and deeper feelings.

I have fallen for clients a few times over the years. Struggling with a situation right now as a matter of fact. lol

I know that it will end in pain for me. But I also know that I will get over it. ;-P Been there, done that and I survived. I will again.

So will you OP. Good advice your best to move on and get over it.