Quote Originally Posted by 1andonlyboardman View Post
Yes, the Fosta thread. In my opinion the combatants should have been given a warning to cool down because the discussion was relevant and informational far beyond the little dust up that got it closed.

Fancy, I'm simply following your advice:

Look, I realize modtarding ain't easy and it's a thankless job. I've heard that from weak modtards for the last, damn near, 20 years. Modtarding this forum out of having any relevant discussions is certainly one way to make your job easier but it's not good for the community as a whole. Just look at the number of threads started in a day on this board and ask yourselves why it's so few, if any. Is it that everyone has migrated off the board or is it that they don't want waste their time opening a discussion knowing that as soon as someone goes retard it gets shut down? I realize I could open a new Fosta thread but to what end? It gets shut down as soon as someone says something someone else finds disrespectful?

Whether you're dealing with unruly students, disgrutled employees or snarky board members the first thing you have to do is learn to communicate with them. Shutting them down only leads to more resentment and doesn't do anything to guide the conversation and shape the board. How about telling those two tards to stick to the topic, guide the conversation back on track and if they don't cool it point their ass, or give them a cool down period. Explain it on the thread so that others get the message. What you're telling us by closing a thread as soon as some stupid shit happens is that following your idea of what respectful conversation is is more important than any topic.

Now, at the same time some are just looking for a reason to be resentful and or offended so you have to know something about the audience. Just as all of us board members don't communicate the exact same way, different styles, colloquialisms, expressiveness, passion, etc. neither can you communicate with them in a way that is one size fits all.

As far as helping out. I made my offer. If anyone wants to follow up with me they are more than welcome. I'm not sure how many want boardman having that kind of responsibility though.

*Edit to say "in before the lock"

110% Agree. I'm just not as polite in my wording as Mr Kitty is when I get fed up so I've been keeping my views to myself, but from talking to other boy's and girls on the playground it's agreed upon. As well as I've been checking out the others cites threads, as we have none, and it doesn't seem as cut and dry there. We aren't asking you to be like E butt we are asking to at least treat us as teenagers rather than grade school.