Quote Originally Posted by KDELTO View Post
Yeah that was long post been a lot on my mind lately. I would never expect a woman here to pay anyone for anything sexually. But I know they do. Just in ways the don't realize. I was just wondering about the others mainly. There are a lot of different people out there.

I have never heard someone suggest such a thing, that's why it made me think so much.

To the one who implied I said I was the best, well no I didn't. I don't know how I could even know that. I am not basing any of what I said on my personal opinion of myself.

I do find some of the responses pretty interesting. The attitude of "oh I get paid for providing so I would never pay for it" implies so many negative things about anyone who does. But hey, you work hard, your proud, your in demand, why not just let people know that your ne of those people who thinks that what people do for you is beneath you.

I am sure what you do you do really well and you attract enough clientele to make is very lucrative. That is really good for you.

Someday that will change. Dramatically. And you will live a very different life. What you want won't be there anymore.

I like people who keep the big picture in mind and try to stay humble even when they got some hot shit. Those people are attractive and well worth heavily investing in. People stuck on this selves just... sadly... and maybe not fully intentionally, but truly, slowly grow dark and ugly from the inside out.

I hope this isn't you.
My dude you are reading stuff that is not there.

You are on a site where the ladies are paid to spend time with you. We are not here to pay you to pleasure us. We are not the market to ask such a question because for most of us it's a no.

I'm sorry but you asked for feedback and you got the blunt honest truth. Yes there are a few paid male companions but that is a small market and not the norm.

Your long post here was more of a subtle brag and an attempt to toot your own horn because some 18 year old told you that you should charge women for your amazing oral skills. I mean you could have just came out and asked the question... can you make it as a male escort? That's what your were getting at with all of that you posted.

There was no attitude whatsoever or disrespect by me to any sex worker or gentlemen who pays. I said women don't have to pay to get sex... truth. That "I" personally would not pay for sex... truth.. that "I" no longer fuck for free in the civie world... truth... and that if I'm going to suffer through a bad lay then I'm atleaat going to get paid for it...truth...hence the reason I'm a sex worker.

As for the bigger picture there isn't one...reality is women don't have to pay for sex because no matter what someone will fuck us. I'm sorry you didn't like my answer but no I wouldn't pay a man to eat me out when I can get it for free or my sweeties who book me love to do it. Nothing to sugar coat here..we are on this site for a reason.