This would have turned out so differently if all the white ppl in that Starbucks didn’t say anything. And honestly if I’m out with my white friends and they don’t stand up for me like that when something overtly racist happens. we won’t be friends the next day.
Unfortunately Black people have to be the perfect victims in order for mainstream society to rally behind them. Everybody keep saying how these men were talking in a low voice and calmly and didn’t talk back to the cops or get aggressive. Yeah that’s cool but if I get publicly kicked out somewhere because I’m black I may be pissed and rightfully so. I’m so sick of people using our angry reactions to being mistreated as a way to justify the racist behavior that cause the effect.

America “they should have left when the manager and police asked. I wouldn’t stay anywhere I’m not wanted. Plus you have to buy something you can’t just chill.” Please quiet yourself