Quote Originally Posted by haveacold1atx View Post

You want to know what REALLY stops a shooter? When they finally have to stop shooting and reload. That's the chance for a hero to take them down. In almost every case, that's what happens. The Aurora guy had a 100 round drum, fired every shot off in just over a minute, got around 80 casualties, wasnt stopped until he was forced to go back to his truck and reload.
That's what happens because the shooter is the only one with a gun in a gun free zone. We don't know what would have happened at Columbine or Sandy Hook or Aurora had someone on the inside had the ability to stop the shooter. We do know that an armed citizen stopped the shooting at Sutherland Springs, we do know that a SRO stopped a possible shooting at the school in IL last week.

I don't know for sure but I suspect that once you stop a few of these "mentally ill" assholes in their tracks before they get a round off you'll start seeing a lot less "mentally ill" assholes targeting "good guys with guns allowed" zones.