You gonna hate my answer, Camille! But my answer is...

"It depends."

I try VERY hard to live my life K.I.S.S. I probably fail more often than I succeed but that's the goal.

When it comes to applying K.I.S.S. to direct communication, all I ask from those I allow close enough to question me at all is the following:

1. Ask me whatever you wish! I reserve the right not to answer... at least not right now... You'll KNOW when I'm doing this. I'll say, "I rather not say.." OR, "I'd rather not discuss that now..."
2. Never ask me a question you don't REALLY want answered.

If somebody "comes correct" in that regard, then - yes - I answer directly & let the chips fall where they may. If not, I still may answer directly even if I think my response will hurt... but only if they leave me no other way out.

I know how to tell the truth. I know how NOT to hurt people. I don't always know how to do both at the same time.