When I found myself in this situation a couple of time before deciding to go with ASPD providers exclusively, I basically just toughed it out to the end and got out, leaving my cash behind and taking it as an expensive lesson. I don't do drama, certainly not in an environment I am unsure of.

One case the provider indicated FS during initial discussions but wound up being just a rub and a tug. That was even bad because of bad lube basically e=wearing me out.

The other was similar setup that wound up being much larger and undesirable with a bad incall. I should have left immediately, but the littel head was being stupid, and as you know you can't fix stupid. Wound up as a rub and a tug as well, though more successful than the previous one. I slipped out the door as quickly as I could.

My next adventure was with a provider who introduced me to ASPD and I haven't had a bad experience since.

It is my recommendation that you not venture off the reservation unless you are willing to take the hit.
