Quote Originally Posted by Sig9er View Post
After a month of texts, P411 messages we could never get schedules to align.

Get a text Tuesday about she was available that day or Friday. Make a preliminary date Friday with confirm Thursday.
Get the confirmation Thursday night that Friday looked great. Friday morning text around 11 says " Can we meet in an hour?"
Sure thing. I'm driving from the back of the Woodlands so I am 45 minutes to your locale.

Half hour another text " Can we do 1 or 1:30?"

Sure thing. I drive to the area and wait for an hour because I drove that far anyway.

Nothing. Crickets
Even today, 24 hour later no response.

I was leary, but when you get a text asking for the meet...wtf?
sorry for that man. I still have not passed her screening yet lol. I got close to 20 okays on P411 but somehow she still needs more references.