And such a visionary that Reagan was. He and his followers have done to history what he did to economics.....first voodoo economics and now voodoo history. When are you guys going to quit listening to Rush and Sean for your history/economics lessons? False beliefs lead to continued ignorant behavior. For example to appease Huehueteotl, the fire god and a senior deity, the Aztecs sacrificed humans. They had a incorrect belief system. You guys need to learn the actual cause-effect of Reagan's policy's.

Keep talking Ragan up boys I can bring facts that shoot your hero down all day long. I liked the guy, he meant good but I do not like him enought to suspend reality. Sean Hannity and Rush Slimebaugh make money off spreading the Reagan myth.....I am not sure what you guys get out of spreading that manure!

It was the winter of 1981 and the country was just beginning to feel the sharp edges of the Reagan revolution. Denis Hayes, head of the fledgling Solar Energy Research Institute, was walking through the halls of the Department of Energy when an acquaintance came up to him and said, "Has Frank lowered the boom on you yet?" The Frank in question was an acting assistant secretary, but the boom, it turned out, was falling from the top. President Reagan had once been General Electric's most camera-ready tout, and his administration viewed alternative energy with open scorn. "They're going to kill your study," the gray-suited informant warned Hayes, before slipping down the corridor.

The study, a yearlong investigation by some of the nation's leading scientists, provided a convincing blueprint for a solar future. It showed that alternative energy could easily meet 28 percent of the nation's power needs by 2000. The only thing that solar and wind and other nonpolluting energy sources needed was a push, the study concluded -- the same research funding and tax credits provided to other energy industries, and a government committed to lead the way to reduced reliance on fossil fuels.