Quote Originally Posted by pumpernickel View Post
NBA apparently is already have some internal issues. We'll see. I think the world had to hit fast forward on a lot of things I I thought would happen in the near future.

1) A majority, and viable Work from Home designation.
2) Virtual Reality Entertainment (sports, concerts,etc). Where you pay for the POV on your headset at home. And stadium owners can really charge whatever. It's virtual seats, can have 100k at a game not just 20k for the NBA. pricing is the issue here but agree with concept
3) Virtual job reach--i don't need to hire a local lawyer or doctor, I can virtually hire one now. As good, in regards to representation...the virtual aspect will come.telemed is a thing, but it only works for minor stuff.... you will still want full-blown experience for cancer, etc.
4) Drones. Waiting for full on drone delivery, no humans. Can't pass sickness around with drones doing the work. Itd require FFA and USPS war. its the touching part....drones do NOT eliminate that -they only remove a human to human exchange...any virus can remain.

All this stuff leads to folks looking at suburb living, don't need to live near work now, possibly virtual education, etc.
Companies can save thousands on rent each month if they let WFH continue. But will they give up the control over having everyone on-site every day?