actually we're kinda encouraging reviews and the proper place would be in (or nearest) the city where the fantasy occurred.

:unsure: Try not to get too wrapped-up about who you might have seen when or worry about dates.

If the young woman you were with was a lot of funners and you would recommend her -- please note her handle and contact method somewhere in your notes. Try to recall some of the review data from our aspd templates, and, if you didn't file a review, why not mention those fun folks anyhow? :mellow:

:( and as much as I hate to say it (because all of our wonderful aspd Providers are just that ==> WONDERFUL.......please let others know if something was just not quite up too par; albeit -- our members need to know those kinds of things to I'm afraid....

Anyway---- ;) have funners and Ansley ==> I'm so sorry I'm missing you this trip...