Quote Originally Posted by loveitdou View Post
Yep when we arrived we showed the quarantine people our passports from Andorra, Switzerland and from Russia-Russia! My new Chef is a Russian and somehow I didn't know that-Captain laughed and said sorry he failed to mention it-he usually handles the passports when we check in. Isabela has a Russian Father and Italian Mom. Jane knew but it just got by me-not a surprise I miss a lot now-a-days. Anyway no problem entering Spain for the Swiss Navy. O yea and Jane is my common law wife so she is now a dual citizen and has an Andorra passport as well.

I have to say that I deplore the fact that the black man was murdered by the policeman, similarly I deplore looters posing as protesters IMO they should be shot on the spot-the looters not the protesters. Peaceful protesting is clearly protected by the Constitution, I don't think even the Libtards will argue about that--though I believe that the rule of law pisses them off.
I am working two loopholes one to fly in to GER directly for a ' job interview' with a travel company based in the EU who will ghost a meeting on letterhead the other in to Zurich for the same reason except need legal passage in to GER from SWITZ as Passport control is at the border crossings. Switzerland will open the clubs very soon with rules that I am not sure make me want to laugh or cry! German clubs might open in two weeks, in one year or never; I am optimistic the end of the summer. No one knows. All up to the states now; Berlin has passed the buck to the heads of the states. I just want in to any city! From there I can make my way to FRA or DUS. Clubs or no clubs just need in the country.

They need to start using water cannons on these idiots in the streets; tear gas, stink bombs whatever it takes. So many aren't even living in the cities they are wreaking havoc in, very few are peacefully protesting Mr Floyd's passing which could have been avoided. These folks should be happy they got what they wanted now it's about legit ongoing problems of police abuse/racial inequality and nothing about the victim; pure mob mentality pouring on and people of all colors and all socioeconomic statuses are guilty. Go the fuck home, tired of the Chinesevirus fucking up our lives. Even peaceful protests can be stopped for now. They can visit the issue in other forms without spreading the virus. As one leader said in protesting the death of one man they are killing many more themselves. They seem to have lost all concept that we are in a pandemic; pure selfishness.

So how is BCN?? Hotels open 100% or ' every other room'. Buffets closed? % restaurants open? Stores? This is the problem of flying to the EU now if you are not a resident like yourself' typical tourist activities are not at usual levels. I'd even go right to Romania now just buy one for a long day get her friend at night and rotate girls or take one to a Bulgarian beach or perhaps in to Croatia or Slovakia those countries may ease as well.

Within 30 days will have more information. In the meantime it is time to go fish for goldfish and minnows in Lake Austin; all we got. Plenty of time for the Sharks in a few months.