good to see you back home with the European beauties. Spain just announced travel to open and of course Americans are left off the list for ' non essential' entry. Greece rejected us too. And these idiots in the streets not peacefully protesting and behaving like animals are going to spread this Chinesevirus in all these metropolises. 'Second wave' developing live on CNN. These law disobeying citizens are costing me more time in this pussy prison! I had hoped for August now looks like October at best; gets worse and worse.( not for you, for American Mongers stuck in the USA; we're all fucking frustrated)

Your link seems to be dead found her here if the right one

Amazing the difference an ocean makes. I can't wait to get back to Europe; I will cry tears of joy and relief and soak my mask when the wheels touch down in FFmain or DUS. Such quality and beauties there. I think we can expect another review from the same agency from you within 30 days or less. Unless you fly some girl in which you have been known to do. Europe is the best place in the world for hot white pussy or whatever else you desire; a Monger's dream. Have fun, glad you made it home safe.