Quote Originally Posted by Goodguy_69 View Post
Where are you getting Vegas only like white girls? I hate when people start pulling out the race card. If you believe that your are ignorant like her then. She called me cheap several times and mocked me for being loyal. I get tired of traveling ladies bitching that Vegas guys are too cheap and not many of them do this. Yes you should market the travelers they have saved up their money to come here and probably will pay the higher rates. We were just answering your question and obviously you didn't like the answer. None of my remarks to you were made to insult you but to give you my opinion. If you would do your research most cities outside of California don't pay what ladies charge in Vegas. I know Texas guys pay amazing rates and get great services too. So are all the other guys around the country cheap then? You don't realize how much money you make in the real world most people would be happy to make $100 an hour you guys make much more. I work two jobs to make ends meet and when someone personality attacks me then it's game on bitch.
Excuse me? I was simply saying what I was told, not that I believed it. And she my friend, IS NOT IGNORANT. BUT the way you choose to speak to women is. I’m happy that you found a loyal companion sweetheart... that way no one else has to put up with your shit. No one has personally attacked you and in all honesty I do appreciate the honest input from you gentlemen. But the name calling? Unnecessary. Not once in this thread have I said anything insulting to you. Your loyal companion is definitely a lucky lady ;)
Speak ill on my friend one more time though.. and it is game on BITCH