Quote Originally Posted by loveitdou View Post
then Jane tells me she has a surprise guest for me (and her) so as usual my stupid grin will not go away.
Sounds like a wonderful trip, glad u are enjoying it. I can certainly relate to the above. I had plans last week to leave the NRW region for FFMain and a girl told me ' not to leave' that a girl was coming back. I knew it could be one of many but my gut told me who it really was so I stayed an extra night and paid the hotel an extra night ( still had to pay for the FRA hotel/prepaid) and the train change fee ( 65 Euros)

I knew the way it was presented to me who the surprise probably was. 3.5 years I have been waiting for her and sure enough it was her. My eyes about popped out of their sockets when I saw her. Now I have her back for good, she works private flat so anytime I want her my all time favorite Queen is for rent. 31 years in this pay for sex world, no one will ever take the crown away from her. Impossible feat for any girl...

I hope your surprise is equally as good

Have fun, off to reality ( my family) than back to Dusseldorf....