Arrived in Bermuda 4 days back, switch marinas because the shore Facilities at the first one were lacking, have played 3 rounds of golf with Victoria and Jane and gotten beat every time. My iron play is just shit, I am not getting all the way around at contact so when I hit the ball, God only knows where it's going-and He isn't talking to me.

We are staying in a very nice but small BnB with an ocean view, it is very modern and clean, we eat out every meal. Jane secured another big BnB for the crew and I rented them a SUV. Jane suggested that we slow our pace of travel and see more of the places we visit so we will be here till the end of the month. I will be visiting my DR in Houston as well. The BnB where we are staying has a great day bed in a room that opens to the panoramic view of the ocean and I am spending a lot of time there napping. Victoria and Jane play for a while and then they come and ATTACK-Whew!! I call them my dream lovers cause I sleep so deeply that it takes quite a bit to wake me but Man do I ever get a wake UP! Afterward I need a nap-LOL. Victoria is with us for 3 more days then Jane tells me she has a surprise guest for me (and her) so as usual my stupid grin will not go away.