Quote Originally Posted by MrKel View Post
I pride myself on being punctual and cordial in this hobby. I mean it is a business and should be treated as such. I understand that things come up and as long as that is communicated, there is no issue. But, that is rarely the case. Nothing like getting ghosted at the last moment. We should all try our best to make these "interactions" go as smoothly as possible because we all have a lot to lose and this "hobby" is dangerous enough without having to be frustrated for reasons within the counterparts control. Let's all just do our part or just don't participate. Our time is precious and really the only thing we can not get back! Thanks for reading my little vent and Happy Holidays fawkers!

Who was the GHOST? Send me a PM ...if you don't wish to state publicly I understand due to WK's!
Thanks for posting in a very professional factual and civil manner.