I too haven't been seeing threads/posts..NOT even my own.
Thanks for the tip.

I also suggest after changing the settings.
Log out and clear cache.

Might help if you repost in main Home2 forum.
So new members can see it.

Quote Originally Posted by Basscat View Post
I have been a member since 09 and always hated visiting this site because when I open up the section I wanted to explore there were no post.

This is because by default the page only shows post from the past 24 hours. I finally took a moment to search the site and learn a few hacks to make my experience better for me. Maybe they will help you as well

If you go to the SETTINGS tab in the top right (between my profile and log out) it will take you to a page where you can customize your settings to fit your likes rather than the default settings

Once in SETTINGS simply scroll down to General Settings and scroll down THREAD DISPLAY OPTIONS

In THREAD DISPLAY OPTIONS there are several different things you may want to change. I find I like new post at the bottom but most important I changed the Default Thread Age Cut Off: to show threads from last 100 days instead of the default past 24 hours.

After doing that I found the feel of the site a lot more to my liking. I hope this helps anyone else who doesn't care for the default settings. Hey it only took me 10 years to figure it out