Hi lady, I held one about a year ago that I thought went well. About 50 people showed up, mostly guys. Half of the ladies who said they would attend were NCNS, so I was not too happy about that. It's embarrassing to announce to the guys in attendance, who paid a cover, that certain ladies will be there, only to have them ghost you. Of course, they were the "under 25" providers. Fancy that. But I tried...

But even with their absence, we managed to have a good time. We had a cool little bar which closed for our event, the liquor flowed, the catered food was plentiful and delicious. Everyone said they enjoyed it. I personally took a hit financially but it was worth it. I was celebrating a Vice cop entering the Gates of Hell.

At that time, everyone in the KC hobby community was still playing nice for the most part. Everything has now done a 180 so having a successful, lady-driven M&G might not be as successful as it was that night.

Over the years, there have been the same 10 guys having private M&Gs. Basically it's a circle jerk. They meet at the same place. Invite the same ladies. Unless their resident pimp can sneak in his latest stable addition using a fake ID, which makes them deliriously happy.

I would not expect an invite to one of those events because the "Great and Powerful oz" has already spoken against you, and he controls all their dicks.

But I'll M&G you when you come to town, mama. I know where a shitload of fun, sexy people hang out. I know bar owners. Restaurant owners. You name it. We will eat, drink and be treated like the queens we are!