Quote Originally Posted by Caseykk View Post
I used to see AA men and now only see the AA men that are regulars because I just had an AA male try and rob me and take back HIS donation. He left and staked outside of my hotel room waiting for me to leave, but honestly if an Aa guy shows up and seems respectful yet I didn’t know he was AA I’d still probably see him, a lot of girls I know who do this won’t see AA men because of just bad experiences or they always get haggled. Damn how many times did I say AA lol. Love my chocolate men tho ;)
I don't blame you for being cautious in dealing with any disrespectful asshole no matter what their race is. Why should have haggle over your donations. If they don't like it then don't pay it. There is no circumstance where a woman should ever be disrespected. I am sure there are a lot of guys who would disagree with me on that. I was raise by a strong southern mother and she taught me that a woman she never be disrespected or made feel less than her worth.

I was making my post based on my experiences. It was just about being judged based on the behavior of others. I have the belief that, how you treat someone else isn't my business but how you treat me is. My interactions with someone isn't based on their interactions with someone else. I can only judge them based on how they are with me.