Quote Originally Posted by EasyE View Post
I am reference friendly as well.
Brit love
Jade rose
Sweet baby Beth
Beauty queen
There are definitely more, and all of them deserve a thank you for being a team player. Most of the mature, professional providers will provide refs because they run a successful business like a real woman. The immature little girls who have no professional courtesy are the ones holding up the show for a lot of people...if any of you are reading this, I just want you to know... you can’t make them “ your” client by ignoring ref requests. YOU are the one that ends up looking bad because you don’t know how to act like an adult. Insecurities and jealousy aren’t sexy. Instead of trying to knock another provider down, why don’t you step up your game so you won’t worry as much about a client never seeing you again. I dunno...learn how to DT or give out free Greek.. just do something other than being a selfish Beotch who thinks her money is more important than eveyone else’s.you should learn how to be a team player before you get cut from the squad all together.
Yessss very well said!!!