I am truly sorry! I’d like to say that for several months I had some medical issues going on! I am forgetful because my doctor had me on two medications that should not have been taken together! But it’s a well known cocktail for people with Anakylosing Spondilitis! it was causing me to have short term memory loss! It caused permanent damage to my short term memory! I honestly don’t remember, and it’s frustrating, I am honestly sorry from the bottom of my heart! I wish I could recall it! It seriously makes me feel awful! I’m sorry I pestered you! I would do anything for you, to make it right! I will give you your donation back if that’ll make it better! It doesn’t sound like I earned it! I’ll Make a note this time to not contact you! So I don’t forget! I’m learning how to compensate now with the memory loss! But I still screw up sometimes!
Thank you for not being mean about it! Let me know if you’ll let me buy you lunch or something! I can’t take that awful experience away, but I can apologize and make it right!