As an amateur shutterbug, I much prefer recent, real, un-retouched photos. Posing can do a lot of good or bad; it all depends on the eye of the beholder. If in every photo there’s a leg or arm, lighting or a strategic angle that’s hiding something, chances are I’ll pass as it screams being intentionally misleading.

While we dudes are generally visual creatures, confidence is sexy too. I don’t discriminate; too fugly to be able to. A prime example of confidence would be Geniveve’s Lust’s profile and photos. She’s almost daring you to judge her with her facial expressions. Ads and photos line up to provide a seemingly accurate assessment of her as a provider. Maybe I’ll find out one day, maybe not.

While not exactly related, spelling and grammar will shut me down regardless of how good the photos are. Particularly when a provider claims to be refined, educated and well traveled; yet her ad/profile has egregious mistakes that demonstrate the contrary. That’ll be a harder, faster pass than the photo stuff above.

I get that it’s all a gigantic lie, it’s one I simply choose to believe during the time spent together. Anything that creates cognitive dissonance and makes that harder, I’ll skip right by.

Just another chump’s opinion.
