Quote Originally Posted by Transylvania Count View Post
Perhaps this would be better suited for the ladies' private room?

I am not the person who asked you about Greek. We did schedule an appointment a few months ago, but you ghosted me the day of the appointment. We never did get to talk details.

There are quite a few things to unpack in your post.

1. Your proposed strategy of "you do Greek first" will backfire. Once I asked a lady if she offers Greek. She said that she doesn't. But then she said "I used to tell men that whatever you stick in mine, I get to stick in yours. But I had to stop that because too many men like it."
2. Answering the same question many times a day does get annoying, I agree. Perhaps adding a NO list to your signature may help. When men see "and a lot more," some of them will think "Oh, she offers Greek? BBFS?" Men are weird like that, don't you know?
3. Ranting here will not educate those who don't care to be educated. The best you can do is warn the other ladies regarding this kind of behavior, in the ladies' private room. We men have horror stories too, and that is how we handle them.
4. I believe you did offend not just the LGBTQ community, but you managed to offend the straight community as well. "regardless if you're sticking your dick in an ass or having your ass being stuck with a dick, it's gay." Many ladies here offer Greek, and many men here enjoy Greek, myself included. Making this type of statement is not helpful and betrays a serious lack of respect for what others in the hobby enjoy.
5. You mention a significant other. You mention that you do Greek with them. Men want what they cannot have. The more they cannot have it, the more they want it. Dangling the "I only do (Greek) in an intimate situation with my significant other" carrot is not helpful. It creates resentment. And for me personally, mentioning a significant other ruins the magic. I know most of the ladies here have significant others and families, and I respect that. I just don't want to hear about it. Our time together is our time away from real life, in a make-believe world that should be free of real-world details.
6. Take a few deep breaths. You're frustrated, and for good reason. But never send out an angry email/post. Re-read it a few times. Rephrase it. Focus on the message rather than feelings. You will have significantly better results. Most people tend to disregard rants and angry words, especially from someone for whom they feel no emotional attachment.
7. Last but not least, asking the moderators not to ban your account tells me that you knew posting this is wrong but you did it anyway. Most men here want a drama-free appointment. With this type of behavior on your part, you risk being labelled BSC and be avoided in the future. I think it would be helpful to you to reach out to some of the more seasoned ladies here and ask for some suggestions on how to better cope with your frustration, because this post is not a constructive way of handling it.

I hope this is helpful to you, SexyJess. This hobby can be wonderful, but it can also be frustrating sometimes. Best of luck to you!
Don't worry...

SexyJess will send the OFFENDED gentlemen to Sue Nami's Prep Course first...
Sue is a GREAT teacher..
Man gets his first prostate massage..
Sue will be smiling..
And SexyJess no longer has to WORRY about those PESKY GREEK questions again!!❤️

Bonus :

Lifetime has a new movie 🍪🥛😉