I use to see a certain provider found under ECCIE. She was blonde, not naturel and had very long hair. Had a toned fit body and average skin color (no tan). Her rate was on the high side and eventually I lost touch. I remember her telling me she was planning to move. A couple of years later, I was having lunch at a crowded sports bar. I stayed there until most of the lunch crowd had left and the place had emptied out. My server then approached me when I was finally ready to leave. My server then told me who she was and reminded me of our times together. I was caught off guard because from the start I completely didn't recognize her. Her appearance had changed so much. Her hair was very short and now reddish brown. She was now very tanned and had put on lots of muscle, now looking like a body builder competitor. She made me feels a little bad for not recognizing her and not seeing her again. After explaining my side, she was cool about it. Shortly there after, she did move to New York. Haven't seen her since.