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Thread: Ever wonder how fake news gets started?

  1. #1
    Retired Site "Guide"
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    Ever wonder how fake news gets started?

    Well, here ya go. Only thing is... The picture is from 2014. That's right folks... During the Obama administration!!!

    Liberal dimocrats on Twitter... "Hell, yeah! We'll buy your bullshit!"

    Fuckin' sheeple!

  2. #2
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    Somebody really should stop all of these retweet people before they embarrass themselves further. Like, say "Gee! Thanks for showing us what life was like for these people UNDER OBAMA!"


  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    In a secret, heavliy defended, underground lair somewhere in the OH2 Badlands
    Fake news is why I stopped watching the evening newscast and stopped reading newspapers years ago. You don’t know what is news and what is opinion or the writers bias and tainted reporting of a real news story. True journalism has been corrupted but what do you expect when the journalism departments at our universities are run by a bunch of liberal/socialist/communist, corrupt dictator loving(Stalin, Castro, Chavez, “rocket man” Kim to name a few) professors???
    Last edited by DocHoliday; 05-28-2018 at 08:14 AM.
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  4. #4
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    "Are you sure you saw what you saw?"

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the link, proteus. You just proved Doc's point.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
    Thanks for the link, proteus. You just proved Doc's point.
    You're welcome, but I proved two of your points...

    a) people (including the Dotard) need to stop retweeting fake news.
    b) people need to do their own research.

    Fake news is spread by people on both sides...both sides...both sides.
    "Are you sure you saw what you saw?"

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD YssupRider's Avatar
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    Fake news is, for the greatest part, a product of the Trump bullshit machine, which is merely an extension of Putin’s successful infiltration of our government’s highest levels. Trump lives and breaths fake news. He tweets it, retweets it and promotes it. So much of his rhetoric begins with a reference to a rumor or lie it has no meaning anymore. “People are saying that...” and “I’ve been told that...”. And even “That’s what we’re hearing out there.” Maybe that’s why the RWWs who still support this man refuse to see the fat, naked painted emperor standing before them.

    Liberals are too busy eating shit to buy the Cheeto’s insane and inane babble. Can’t say the same for the neocons who still follow this utterly fake scenario.

    First step, of course, is the incessant stream of lies from the Cherto. He doesn’t need to lie about everything, but he can’t help himself.

    Read this recent fact check from the “failing New York Times.” Trumpler didn’t have to lie to the Naval Academy grads, but he did. Please explain why it’s fake news, or why this demagogue in a fat suit deserves a pass every time he opens his festering gob.

    Ready now ... bring on the Clinton bashing. That’s the best defense, right?

    LOL and SMH
    Last edited by YssupRider; 05-28-2018 at 09:47 AM.

  8. #8
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    It’s amazing that people believe fake news is a new phenomenon. Fake news has been around for decades, but the methods of spreading fake news has become more sophisticated via social media, advanced photoshop capabilities, etc. Trump uses fake news to dilitute the constant stream of lies, incorrect statements, and not being on the same page with the poeple he hired. Fake news is not a partisan issue or about the GOP, its about Trump being inconsistent and having to cover it up. The internet and social media were present long before trump took office and none of the other presidents (GOP and Dem) cried fake news. Why? Because they at least had reasonable IQs, were on the same page as their people, and had a solid understanding of a variety of policy facts. Trump is grossly ignorant, ignores his people who have facts, and wings everything. The GOP and DEMs are not the issue, trump is the issue.

  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD YssupRider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdawg300 View Post
    It’s amazing that people believe fake news is a new phenomenon. Fake news has been around for decades, but the methods of spreading fake news has become more sophisticated via social media, advanced photoshop capabilities, etc. Trump uses fake news to dilitute the constant stream of lies, incorrect statements, and not being on the same page with the poeple he hired. Fake news is not a partisan issue or about the GOP, its about Trump being inconsistent and having to cover it up. The internet and social media were present long before trump took office and none of the other presidents (GOP and Dem) cried fake news. Why? Because they at least had reasonable IQs, were on the same page as their people, and had a solid understanding of a variety of policy facts. Trump is grossly ignorant, ignores his people who have facts, and wings everything. The GOP and DEMs are not the issue, trump is the issue.
    Well put.

    Trump’s entire organization in the White House —- much the same as in the business world — is all about covering up for the incredibly ignorant narcissist they call Boss.

    It’s a pity that intelligent conservatives don’t totally reject this buffoon. But I’d bet half of them do.

    The rest are being made into suckers by trump and the ever “entertaining” FNC.

    Fake news?

  10. #10
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    Well, damn! I figured you guys would be all bent out of shape about Trump getting credit for something Obama did.

    Meanwhile, the twitterverse idiot train just keeps adding cars and getting longer and longer...

    Maybe there really is something to this "alternative facts" thing. LMAO!!!

  11. #11
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    You Continually make broad brush statements when someone makes a specific and narrow point. My reply was not a pro Obama reply. You keep making it a partisan issue and like all trump supporters, you drag obama into the convo. My comments speak to the measure of the man, not his politics or political party. Trump supporters constantly bring up Obama and Hilary, neither are in office and have stayed relatively quiet during the trump presidency. Focus on thes facts which are real and self contained within the GOP and trump’s world. 95% of the political issues and failures are GOP vs GOP infighting or trump vs GOP. That is real news. The steady and constant stream of personnel departures that trump picked. That is real news. Russians steering our election. Yep, but so what. That’s what governments do. They work to destablize other governments and ensure their desired pick wins. Straight from the CIA manual. I can guarantee you that’s what we do as a country for decades. So you trump supporters beat your chests about fake news like it’s new. You say Hilary and the that’s new. Here is real news. Trump does not care about his supporters, the white house,or any political party. What he cares about only is leveraging his position to benefit him and his family. That’s his only goal. That is real news based on facts. Checkmate

  12. #12
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    Uh, my comment was regarding the OP (on topic).

    Maybe you should start your own thread?

    BTW, if I happen to come across your lost sense of humor anywhere I'll be sure to let you know.

  13. #13
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    Some Sarah Huckabee Sanders logic could be used in terms of the detention center pic. Hint: remember when the Dotard retweeted the fake vids of Muslims attacking Christians?

    But, I think the O.P. is making a more important point: we shouldn't get our news from the twitter.

    For example, based on a tweet, one might come to believe that Memorial Day is about self-aggrandizement,

    To be fair, someone using the Dotard's account later tweeted this,

    Meanwhile, a patriot tweeted this about an hour before the Dotard's first Memorial Day tweet,
    "Are you sure you saw what you saw?"

  14. #14
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    Hey, I'm just trying to have little fun with people being really stupid on Twitter. They don't bother to check and see if it's true or not. It fits their agenda so they just slap it up there.

    You people take this shit way too seriously.

    If you don't want to be in on the jokes just let me know. I'll just let you keep believing all the bullshit you read on the internet. Sheeeesh!

  15. #15
    Verified Hobbyist BCD YssupRider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdawg300 View Post

    You Continually make broad brush statements when someone makes a specific and narrow point. My reply was not a pro Obama reply. You keep making it a partisan issue and like all trump supporters, you drag obama into the convo. My comments speak to the measure of the man, not his politics or political party. Trump supporters constantly bring up Obama and Hilary, neither are in office and have stayed relatively quiet during the trump presidency. Focus on thes facts which are real and self contained within the GOP and trump’s world. 95% of the political issues and failures are GOP vs GOP infighting or trump vs GOP. That is real news. The steady and constant stream of personnel departures that trump picked. That is real news. Russians steering our election. Yep, but so what. That’s what governments do. They work to destablize other governments and ensure their desired pick wins. Straight from the CIA manual. I can guarantee you that’s what we do as a country for decades. So you trump supporters beat your chests about fake news like it’s new. You say Hilary and the that’s new. Here is real news. Trump does not care about his supporters, the white house,or any political party. What he cares about only is leveraging his position to benefit him and his family. That’s his only goal. That is real news based on facts. Checkmate


    (No pun intended, of course!)

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