Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII View Post
Entertaining to say the least. I wouldn't doubt most not being too far fetched either, considering the fact how many people in this berg are in need of quick money and can't even get it from a local check cashing crap hole (perhaps lacking proper ID or bank account).

So I find his pseudo reviews to be different in the "other reviews" type forum. And yes I've had way too many adventures myself in this city alone, TMI to bother to share. So if he shares them without mentioning certain ladies names but says at least the SD/SB sites then hey....there you go.
Yes indeed, my #FCP Brother!

In fact, I have it on good authority that a buxom young lass ran herself into a financial pinch right here in this very burg just today and had to put the family butthole right back out on them mean streets to pull herself up by her bootstraps. And ain't that what these good ol United States of America is all about!?

The dude that took advantage of that there deal and got hooked up at a #FairChristianPrice is one lucky sumbitch!

I heard it was raunchy asf!

Peace, Love, and #BHILF