I befriended a "under dog" provider. She was being bullied pretty bad, and I let her know I was there for her. Next thing I know she went ballistic. Went to my SO at the time and outted me, went to my mom, son, nephews. Had CPS called 4x in 1 month. Got gasoline thrown at my house, had so many ads with real pictures and information on them. Had guys showing up at my house for those ads. Got a letter from the social security office that I needed to file taxes for working for a company called "eccie" lol. Had text after text, threat after threat. Got served for being a stalker with pages of this and that, went to court and got a protection order on me and had to pay $400. That didn't stop her, it was day and night for about 6 months. Haven't heard from her in awhile, a 1 month friendship went to the left very quickly. I made it through, but who knows when crazy will show up again. When that stalker will have a bad day and come back. Watch for the tell tell signs, the ones I ignored. Don't let anyone near your home or family, no social media. Make money, not friends