Yeppers. Writing a review isn't part of the verification process, and there are no paid subscriptions on H2, either.

Here's the procedure, per our happy host admin, ck1942:

Simply copy and paste the following into your new PM template and send it to verified members you know are able to vouch for you and include ck1942 in the addressees:

ck1942 instructed me to send you a vouching request and for you to confirm directly to him that we have sessioned within the past 90 days... no details are necessary, just the confirmation. I was instructed to copy him on the request and ask you to copy me on the confirmation, please.

So, a fellow should PM a request to a Verified Companion on H2 and include his handle in the title (for example, "Vouch Request for SuperDuperDickie") and copy the italicized line above into the body of the note, and make sure that ck1942 is ALSO listed in the recipient user box so that he will get a duplicate message. When the companion replies with verification, she should include ck1942 in the address box as well, insuring that confirmation goes to both of you.

Might have to drop a few tidbits to authenticate your identity with the person vouching, and to make certain that data remains private, I suggest sending a query in a separate note FIRST.

Irish luck in lust, hon!