Quote Originally Posted by JJ8901 View Post
are you referring to the hypesh guy again?
No. Random pimps who are looking for down and out vulnerable women. Offering the world and literally in all of my years I can't see a thing that they could offer at all. I just wonder to myself, do they text hundreds to see if 1 will bite? It's sad and I think it's sickening. What they offer is to bring them riches and bring them up. But in my day, having parents, I was taught that men provide. My dad provided and my father couldn't stand lazy.

Then I think of my dealings with narcissist and the similarities in the delusional state these guys have. Or do they know the truth and say the same things. Or do they really believe this? I mean there so many of these pathetic vultures, so we would never know the truth. I do think they are so much of the problem with our women turning bad, stealing, using and dying. Can you imagine if the industry didn't have these succubus who are emotional vampires. For women to work simply because they want to. They handle their own pay. They do their own investing and buy thing's because they worked for it. Not because these creatures "allowed" them.

I've heard lots of sad stories over the years, and many of us day 1 providers have heard more than most men know. It's a pretty deep co dependant and controlling toxic life. A life that becomes depressing and miserable. Many of these beautiful women are miserable and dying actually. And to them, we are "****" with no value. So it's ok. Because providers are disposable.

We screen and if 5/0 got through I'm sure these vultures would not be around. They would run, save themselves and she would take the entire blame.

And it starts with a little lazy text? Like just lazy. Although not often I've had them try to make appointments and that gut instinct that something isn't right.

It just had me thinking, so I made a post. My clients work for a living, I respect them for paying for a service and I'm the business woman conducting my own business. I'm a provider, not a product. My clients are people, not tricks. I guess I just don't see how people fall for it, these guys usually don't even have a educated vocabulary. I like being a provider and not have a trashy life. I guess I've heard to many horror stories.