Quote Originally Posted by Deja Tha Doll View Post
I HEARD: Eating about 10-12 almonds has an effect which is equivalent to an aspirin and can help in relieving pain of the migraine headache. Almonds are known to be helpful for other health related issues as well, apart from migraine headaches it can help you have a better sleep and is very helpful in protecting your heart.

They say to AVOID:
Artificial sweeteners
Foods containing MSG

Cured meats
(Cured meats — including deli meats, ham, hot dogs, and sausages — all contain preservatives called nitrates, which preserve color and flavor. These foods can release nitric oxide into the blood, which is thought to dilate blood vessels in the brain.
There’s some evidenceTrusted Source that nitric oxide can cause or contribute to migraines)

Aged cheeses
(Common cheeses that are high in tyramine include:
blue cheese

Pickled and fermented foods
(Like aged cheeses, pickled and fermented foods can contain high amounts of tyramine. These foods include:
kombucha (which can also have alcoholic content)
pickled okra
pickled jalapeños)

Frozen foods
Salty foods

They say:
massage therapy, could lower the frequency of migraine attacks....
biofeedback, teaches you how to check physical responses of stress, like muscle tension...
vitamin B2 (riboflavin), can help prevent migraine episodes....
& magnesium supplements...

I hope this helps and you find relief soon - xoxo Deja
Thank you girly!

I do actually eat almonds a lot lol and don't drink anymore, also most of that food stuff isn't my style luckily too but Def gonna add the b2 vitamin in addition to the magnesium I started taking. I also got some cool gel bead face mask deals to put over my eyes (as I get the auras with it a lot).

Did you know there's like a special green light bulb that's supposed to help?! I thought it was neat!