Quote Originally Posted by Ben Rhimene View Post
In general? No, because the world isn't getting bigger so unless you build up this is all the space we have.

Specific markets absolutely crash. The 2007 financial crisis crushed many of the growing cities. Speculators could no longer borrow, and the vacation home crowd stopped buying for years, which hurt many of the previously hot markets. The WFH fad will impact CBD commercial real estate as well as places commute friendly hecause commuting is no longer a requirement for some. Personally, I would be cautious with real estate until we get a better sense of what work/commute looks like post-pandemic. We are already seeing stock prices/performance of pandemic darlings drop faster than overall market.
Something I'm not familiar with is stock market. I have seen the decline. But to me Real Estate is tangible. It just doesn't lose. I don't see a lose. We have less buyers right now so every house isn't being fought over, but when will it get to the point that nobody can afford a house? I just bought, and I paid 27k more than the seller 3 years before. And 60k more than 10 years before. Regardless I put my money on real estate everyday all day. Real estate is my passion. I'm yearning for it honestly. I'm pre occupied with a kinda big project right now or I would definitely be elbows deep.

I study investments constantly. Wholesale, flipping, renting, even brrr.

Beyond retirement I think I'll definitely be in. It's just hard to know where to start. I have a few properties now, and I guess it's a start. I'm hoping 2023 I can concentrate simply on Real Estate investing.

Any knowledge anyone wants to pass down my inbox is always open.