He(my dog) started having cluster seizures one morning and I rushed him to the vet. He had around close to 10 before I actually got him there. I placed him on the drivers seat wrapped in his blanket just trying my best to drive and keep him stationary. It was a nightmare and being there when they put him to sleep was the best way now that I think of it. They do give you the options of what to do. Some people do actually opt out of being there and I can understand, but holding/petting him as he passed to me was the best option. It hurt unlike anything when that last breath hit though. He displayed some issues a few days before (clumsy walking and lack of energy) he started having the seizures, but that morning came quick and hit very hard. The bill is also very high for these emergency care places. So best bet would be to get a place in line in the event an animal emergency occurs. I only had the number to my main vet(they were not open but had an emergency line) and they referred me to a place, but that's time lost. Wish I could have done a lot of things over.