Hey there! I’m Alex. Raised in Houston, moved away some years back, based in Louisville now (yes, I know where they hide the good bourbon), but I still have family here so I visit from time to time.

I’m a long-distance secure courier (translation: I get paid to take road trips) and I get to Houston a few times a month. It would be nice to have at least one good, dependable friend to spend time with while I was here.

I often travel with my two very spoiled cats, so maybe we can have some sort of kitty petting exchange. 😻

I’m also available for intense 3am diner conversations (just as soon as 24 hour diners become a thing again) about philosophy, history, politics, temporal physics, weird conspiracy theories, movies and TV shows, D&D, and the proper way to cook a tomahawk ribeye (this one’s easy, reverse sear over hickory, cook to just below medium rare, rest 10 minutes, serve with a lobster tail and garlic butter).

Oh, and fair warning: If you’re a fan of the orange baby man, you’re seriously going to hate me, sorry (not sorry).

Anyway, this place is fun! Thanks for letting me pitch my digital tent. (<— does that just sound a lot dirtier than it should?)