If you want vouched bcd privileges and increased access at Our Home 2, please have at least two established providers here or elsewhere confirm sessions from the past 90 days. They may contact either ck1942 (ck1942@gmail.com) or me (dennisrn@rocketmail.com) by PM here or mail.

Yes, this is unlike other boards but that is intentional.

Otherwise you may post reviews as usual and earn normal bcd privileges based on those reviews. There is no paid bcd access at Our Home2. A review template is being developed but until then if you have a review to post you may do so in the appropriate city review forum.

We consider companions here as equals with hobbyists, partners in the hobby, if you will.

Since females need hobbyist confirmation (vouches) for provider status, gents will be vouched to progress beyond normal registered or normal bcd status.

Thanks for joining Our Home 2 where respect is our key requirement for fun.