
Some of you men whom chat with me more than others, know that I am about to purchase my first motorcycle!!!!!!

So Cum help me out!

Delievering to you, a fantastic SPECIAL!

For this weekend, and this weekend only!

180 hr
150 hh

Why would I offer such a deal?
Because I found the bike I want and I want it NOW! (I can be a bit impatience when it comes to something I really want) I'm only a tad short of the negoitated price....SO please help this gal's dreams come true!

I will be available Fri 9:30pm-Sun 7pm (Available for around the clock fun)

Check out my website for much needed to know info:

Here's my P411:

I hope to be seeing some of you this weekend, and I also hope to be riding happy on Monday........*wink*

~Genesis Nicole~