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Thread: Valleyside Medical ED Treatment

  1. #1
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Valleyside Medical ED Treatment

    If you ever listen to a radio station other than NPR, or watch daytime TV you have heard or seen the ads for Valleyside Medical. They have a treatment for ED that uses acoustic wave therapy to improve blood flow, and helping with the ED problem. It allows more flexibility than taking a pill like Viagra and waiting for the medication to take effect.

    The ad promised a free consultation with and ultrasound evaluation, and a free gift to improve bedroom fun. I decided to give it a try.

    I arrived for my scheduled appointment a few minutes early. Signed in and sat down to wait. 45 minutes after my scheduled time I was called to the back and put in an exam room. I filled out a questionnaire, and a tech took my blood pressure. Here I should add I spent years in the emergency health care setting, both pre-hospital, EMS, and in a Level I trauma center. The tech did not know how to get a BP, and got a false high reading using an automated BP cuff.

    A few minutes later a gentleman came in an introduced himself as a Doctor. He went over the structures and functions of an erection. Then he had me get on an exam table and drop the pants. he used a doppler stethoscope (uses the doppler effect to detect the walls of the artery moving closer and farther away) to listen to the arterial flow of blood both on my thigh and then into the public region.
    Told me they could help me, and sent in the sales person. Starting at 4300 for six treatments, because I was going to pay in full up front, the price dropped to 2600. Set my appointment for 3 days later at 1:15 PM

    Arrived for the appointment 10 minutes early and say and waited. While I did the room filled up with men. One was there for his consult all the rest for a treatment. We started talking after we had waited 30 minutes and no one was being called. It turns out this is the normal for that office. They always site a lack of staff because someone is out sick.

    At `1:45 I told the person at the desk I had to leave. It was 30 minutes after my scheduled appointed that was to last 15 minutes. I thought I would be done and out the door, and had another pressing appointment that day.

    After leaving I began to think about my experiences there
    1. First appointment 30 minutes behind schedule.
    2. Incompetent medical staff
    3 Promised ultrasound evaluation, got a doppler
    4. A medical provider who is will to negotiate price, not totally bad, but not totally professional.
    5. Another 30 minutes, maybe longer for my 1st treatment visit.
    6 the other patients reporting this is the norm for that office.

    I decided to cut my losses and called to cancel the treatments and get a refund on my credit card. I was told the refund had been run through, I am still waiting for it to appear on the account.

    This may be a good treatment for ED, but find a provider other than Valley Side in Westlake.

  2. #2
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    ED sux!
    Last edited by Birdieman; 04-25-2021 at 09:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    You probably need to contest the charge with your credit card asap.

    Was there any ultrasound equipment in the room you were in on the 1st appointment? If not, then this might be a scam. How many people are going to go to court if they get ripped off for $2600 and have to tell all in court that they have ED? It's not enough $ for an attorney to take the case.

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Austin, Tx
    RWFD... I wasn't going to talk about this but your courage had inspired me, if you will.

    I have some experience with this and two specific providers.

    I've decided to write about my experience and share it in one of the the Austin forums. Watch for the title... The Doctor Is In

    I am highly grateful to both of these women for their assistance and the difference that they made in my life.

    I don't need the attention but keep looking this week for details of my discovery.

    Stay Safe! Happy Hobbying!!

    Last edited by TryingNewThings; 05-13-2021 at 11:07 AM. Reason: Removing specific providers names

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Longhorn Central (Austin)
    If they are just going to do ultrasound on you, as the bulk of the cost, get The Phoenix instead...

    Consumer Grade...

    Medical Grade...

    Been using the consumer grade version for a while now, and have gotten some very good results to improve my EQ as a 40-something man.
    I am here for discussion only, not solicitation of any services.

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