Agency/Spa/Club Name, Companion's Handle: Rs foot, Na
Date of Visit: 1/16/21
Preferred Method of Contact: Walk in
Phone Number: Na
Email Address: Na
Website, Ad, or Profile URL: Na
City, State: Austin, Tx
Location: S 290
Type of Visit: In
Was the Appointment On-Time?? No
Activities: Fbsm
Length of Visit: Hr but 20 only
Donation: 60 +
Approximate age of Companion: 40+
Hair Color and Length: Bl
Smoking Status: Na
Ethnic/Racial background: Loasian
Companion Description: Short, older, ehh face, pudge belly
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Nope
Would you recommend this Agency/Spa?? Nope
Would You Recommend this Companion?? Nope

Public comments:
Went in for a massage here since they can walk on backs.
Saw a cutie at the door and paid admission.
Went in room, layed there for 25 minutes before someone came in. Lots of commotion going on during my wait.
When someone does show, it's not the cutie.

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