I must drive by this intersection 2 dozen times a week and I never noticed this place before. I thought I'd check it out. I stopped by about 8pm on a Thursday night.
They have the weirdest set-up I've ever seen. The outer door was propped open, you walk into a 3x3 cage made of burglar bars with a locked inner door. To the right is a "waiting area" and you can see the monitor with the CCTV cams. You can see down the hallway and the rooms just have shower curtains over the doors. The lady who opened the door was an asian in her 40s, graying hair in a pony tail, baggy tank-top and shorts, no make-up. No effort at all to look attractive. She took me to the first room (the one you can see into from the doorway!)
I asked if there was anyone else working. She said there was another girl but she had left. I said thanks, but no thanks.
"You don't want to be with me!?! Get the fuck out! Don't you come here again!"

Not a problem.