I normally don't watch award shows, but I was watching the Oscars last night and I saw that "Slumdog Millionaire" had a great night and got the Best Picture Award. The movie cost only $15 million to make and has now grossed over $160 million. Not bad. I actually got to see this movie back when it came out around December. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it. Trust Metal_Head on this one.

Actually, right after I saw it, I was with a provider and told her about the movie. Actually, if I remember corectly, I chuckeled when I was reminded about a part in the movie. She asked what was funny, and I told her about the movie. Well, she thought I was lying to her and making up the movie entirely. Ha. I wish I could think of something like that!

Really, though, if you haven't seen it, go see it. Even Metal_Head thinks that movie rocks!