Quote Originally Posted by Sue Nami View Post
DISINGENUOUS? You're not seeing the big picture. a note here, I have been on vacation for over a week and yet I am here and answering phone and emails because of REFERENCES to keep my fellow providers safe and working. I feel a responsibility to the women I share this hobby with to protect them and help them succeed and references are a key part of that. So it's mighty easy for the guys to say turn off the phone but they are not considering all the things we women do for this community besides answering the guy's call at all hours of the day and night. this is a community and we gals must help each other out. I have given out about 10 references in the last week I was "off" and on vacation. anything less would be endangering my sisters' safety and I can't do that.
Mental Health Breaks in this world are important..

Setting designated work hours and allowing yourself to enjoy your vacation time will not end the hobby world as we know it...

Will people complain? Yes... But, you are human Sweetheart.. You are allowed to be sick, take time off and to turn off the world and walk away so, that you can come back refreshed.

Now, some people cannot do this,, and that is a choice...but that does not mean, that the people who have decided to prioritize their own personal lives as much as their professional lives are any less dedicated.. They have just decided to set boundaries..

Boundaries are not easy to set and keep.. Especially, in this world.. But to give at the level we do...on both sides... I think it is necessary...

I hired an assistant so, that I can step away and people can still get references but that isn't always an option for some people and some of my clients only want to speak to me... So again, they know that when I'm sick, with my family or at my real world job that they need to have patience...

Just find a way that works best for you Ms. Nikkole.. If you are happy then everything will work out...☺️