So this came up in another thread and it got me to wondering. Where do these terms spring from?

So I think many here will know where "Greek" as a nickname for anal sex comes from. *gratuitous history lesson below for those who have not heard the story before* But how on earth does boob f---ing get to be known as "Russian"? Likewise, how did doing the same to someone's butt crack (if I'm correct on What the term means...I'm not 100% certain) get to be known as " Italian"? Anyone have any insight? Are there any other sex acts with a nickname that associates it with a particular country or demographic?

I'm genuinely curious and think it might make for an entertaining discussion!

*So the use of "Greek" to mean anal sex comes from all the way back in Ancient Greece. Free men in ancient Greece tended to marry late in life to very young women. Life spans were considerably shorter then, but it was quite often late 30s to 40s men married to girls around 12 or 13. Thus before marriage it was common for Greek men to engage sexually with other males. It was totally socially acceptable in the Greek states and was known outside of Greece to the extent that it became associated with Greece in the minds of other Mediterranean peoples of the same era.

The Romans of the Republican era (at the least, I'm not certain if it extended back into the pre-Republic/Kingdom era or forward into the Principate/Imperial era) took it a step further and mocked their Greek neighbors as "boy lovers"! This is pretty hypocritical of the Romans given their own sexual mores. This was particular the case with male slaves. I'm sure most here have seen the Kirk Douglas version of Spartacus from 1960 after all. That being said, there was some justification of that stereotype as male homosexuality in Greece often took the form of pederasty, that is adult men with teenage boys. (Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger! LoL

From what I've read, that practice of a Kind of " temporary homosexuality" goes back as far as the Archaic Era and continued through the entire classical Era. I'm not sure if it carried into the later Hellenistic Era or not, but the Oliver stone film Alexander would have us believe it did! I'm not sure if it was a practice in the Mycenaean Period eithet.

Thus, anal sex becomes "Greek sex". The more you know...