I know we never speak of it but damn this sucks. when is the site going back to normal? why is it fucked up? and why for so long? I never want to complain about this site because I love it here. it is my main and pretty much only site I use. I know it is free and all this is done by volunteers but damn I am willing to pay and support the site I love and use so much. what can we do to help? (besides not bitch about it). I need this site and it has been so slow and difficult to use for a while now. what is going on? I assume it is the disgruntled local hacker fucking with it. I wish things were back to normal here. We all love and appreciate this site and I bet most of us would gladly pay to get it working right again. I support and love the hardworking volunteers who keep things going here. please forgive my bitching but wanted to say, we support you, I will pay or do what it takes to make it work better here. we need ourhome2, we miss our old safe space and hope things get better soon. it would help if we had updates and knew what was happening.