Saying Goodbye
Well it's been a good run guys, but it's time for me to leave the party. I am checking into a program at 10am tomorrow to help me deal with myself and transition out of the hobbyverse.
I absolutely wish nothing but the very best for each and every member of our community whether we saw eye to eye battled it out bumped uglies or just met in passing. There is nothing I want more than to see each and every person thrive here.
There are so many of you gentlemen that I have deep affection for, that I would go to the mat over if someone wronged you and will defend your honor and your character till the day I die.
When I started in this industry almost 4 years ago I used song lyrics in my ads and there's no better way to end my career then with this

🎶 Big , little, or short, or tall
Wish I could have kept you all
Mmmmm, I loved you everyone .
I want to thank you for your charms ,
Holding me in your arms
And I hope you had some fun 🎶

Please take care of one another, give each other the benefit of the doubt, protect each other's hearts, I just love one another for God's sake just love one another
