Call now for an unforgettable Sensual experience with Becca B

If you been wanting to experience the most sensual massage available you come to the right place. I have 8 years of NURU experience and know exactly what to do in order to make your time the best you?ve
30 min is $160, 60 min is 220, and 90 min is 300 so call me now! 9726461630
A clients review recently;
My experience with Nuru massage was indescribable. I felt like I was transported to heaven as By hill slowly and gently glided and slided all over my naked body. The p p oil felt great on the skin and overall, it is a very stimulating and arousing experience. I loved every second of it and wished that the session never ended. Also, I had multiple orgasms For the first time in years .It was just perfect! You should also give it a try if you have never tried a Nuru massage. You will love