I know this is way in advance but I like to research. I?m flying into Vegas at the end of July and was wondering if some of you wonderful people could give some info. I have been looking at crossing off stuff on a bucket list and have an opportunity to do so. One is finding a companion shorter than 5 foot that would be recommended. Second if there are any exotic type companions that would be recommended (not required). Reason is I already have one off the list (find a companion out of state) and why not go for a few more. Brothels are not out of the possibility (but I do have limited time just one day). Also if there is any info yall are willing to provide on the do?s and dont?s it would be appreciated because every area is different. If I?m out of line I apologize in advance and moderators can delete this post if need be. I do have P411.

Thanks in advance."