I accidently hit some one way back in 2021 and i fixing to go to a no jury trial i was not high but had drugs in system back then. I am drug free now. I have no attorney and had to fire 4 already now i am representing myself im out of money for a attorney and i know shit about the law and how trials work. Can some one please let me know i need expert witness to testify on dui also need a accident reconstructionist and shit a attorney bad i have three children that i had to split up and i dont know weather to do a go fund me or what but i have been in this industry for years and i feel like you guys are my family and all i trust im begging someone to please help me. That man ran out in front of my vehicle. I have no priors ever and they are trying to get me to sign for 29 years i can not do it please any advise helps