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Thread: Every Guy's Dream

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    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Every Guy's Dream

    My excuse is, I"M BROKE. Yall let me know how it goes to have your dream fulfilled.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    If they were attractive I would not those two.

    I have done mom daughter before in civilian life. Young mid 20s a girl from hs moved home to our town after being out in the world. We run into each other at a casino and hook up. She lived with her mom and had a king bed. We would go out drinking and take the mom along and mom would come home drunk af and lay in bed with us until she passed out. I am 26 or 27 so I had one thing on my mind and would beat up the daughter while mom slept passed out in the bed. This happened dozens of times and I guess mom wasnt always sleeping soundly just play sleeping. One night daughter was really fucked up passed out cold snoring after we fucked and I am laying there about to fall asleep when a hand starts stroking my dick. It was from the other side of the bed. Mom knew her little girl wasnt waking back up and she wanted a nut to. It didnt take any words to convince me when she got jr up and buried him in her mouth the rest as the say is history.

    So technically I did them both one after the other so not same time.

    I have also done a two local ho's moms before one a ho herself (they never advertised together or worked together) the other a civilian and neither at the same time as their daughter.

    I have had sisters many many times both together and apart even three sisters at once one glorious time both civilian and in the hobby. There have been several sets of sisters who have worked the coast even recently at one time three. One set escaped me I always wanted to nail Sarah and Viv together but they never worked together that I know of though I am sure some lucky dawg likely at least got them together in their private life if not p4p

    Pretty sure there is a mom daughter duo still operating in northern AL or maybe they retired by now. If its your thing do some searching around Huntsville

    I am pretty vanilla sex wise and never really sought out those kinds of situations in my life either hobby or civilian but when presented with the opportunity I will take it. The mom daughter together thing kind of seems wrong to me but sisters is fine just as long as they dont fuck each other and just focus on fucking me. It would be strange to see a girl you know is blood related to the other or other two girls your presently boning bury her head in her sisters ass. I am sure I could power through but it would leave a little scar tissue on my soul knowing I played a part in some incest along my journey. I have enough shit to answer for when I stand before the man I dont need that piled on.

    Honestly for me any sex anyone wants to engage in and explore is fine by me as long as it doesn't involve anyone under 18 or animals.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Vanilla? No way bossman! You aint vanilla with all that under your belt. Im vanila, compared to u. Like the title says, Every Guys Dream, and its not a dream to u. U da man!!! Where's the strangest place u have ever gotten pussy, bossman? I got it in a graveyard when i was young. In the back of a hearse. I used to work at a funeral home. And NO,she wasnt DEAD!

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitar View Post
    Vanilla? No way bossman! You aint vanilla with all that under your belt. Im vanila, compared to u. Like the title says, Every Guys Dream, and its not a dream to u. U da man!!! Where's the strangest place u have ever gotten pussy, bossman? I got it in a graveyard when i was young. In the back of a hearse. I used to work at a funeral home. And NO,she wasnt DEAD!
    It has felt like I worked in a morgue before with as many dead lays I have paid to participate in. There is nothing lazier than a ho who knows she has to fuck 15 times a day. They will try and get out of doing any work if you let them. I am always like fuck im paying you right? So you can ride a dick its literally your job then they start with the excuses "I have a bad back" My leg is fucked" "The dr told me I cant move my hips that way anymore" I could write a book on just the excuses hos have giving me on why they cant do anything but lay there or bend over and take my money.

    Guitar I am the most vanilla dude I know. I like fucking dont get me wrong I would say that I have a better than average sex drive for a man in his 50s but I am into basic shit. I just like to fuck and suck normal nothing out of the ordinary like a lot of dudes do. Ask a ho your close with the strange shit most dudes are into. It will blow your mind to know how many dudes have them fuck their assholes or shove shit up their asses and god knows how many other strange fucking things. Lots of dudes are into some crazy shit and I am over here just wanting to go through a few positions and maybe nut on her tits or titfuck her if she has great tits. Then you have dudes with a 10 inch dildo up their ass while wearing a bra and crothless pantiees laying in a tub on their back like a turtle with the ho standing on the edge of the tub taking a dump on them while they beat it pretending she is their mom talking out their childhood issues. So yeah I am vanilla but I do know a lot of you sick fucks handles that are into some straight up depravity from being friends with so many ho's. Dont worry I wont name names but there is a reason I avoid meet and greets. There is no way I could keep a straight face meeting some of you sick twisted fucks knowing what I know and in some cases having seen video and pics of your twisted sessions.

    I really dont have a crazy place I have fucked in. I have done a ton of public fucking in my life but nothing to crazy like on the steps of the lincoln memorial. I have also had sex on a gravestone but I was a kid on acid tripping balls and it was a dude who died in Vietnam and the crazy girl I fucked wanted to talk to him with a ouija board so I indulged thinking I could beat her out of pussy and it worked. Her parents house was next to a graveyard so we fucked in their a few times during those high school years when I was a real degenerate taking all sorts of substances being an idiot kid. Thank God I grew out of that and just turned into the vanilla sober dude I am today.

    So to answer the question I would say Jackson square in the daytime that was pretty risky NO central lockup is no joke and had we been caught we would have both gone. I have also boned on nearly every single island off the coast at some point having grown up and lived most of my life with boats and being on the water almost daily. Idk like I said I am pretty vanilla

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Dang, I wish I had lived closer to the coast. Girls everywhere, scantly clad all the time. I didn't know there were many islands off the main coast. I've heard of Ship Island. Even went there once when i was just a kid. I"v heard of Cat Island. Was that where you got all that kitty? Cat island, lol!! I got to be vanilla myself bossman. I can't see doing anything else other than normal stuff. I can't understand a guy wanting to get pegged, myself. Or even putting my mouth on a lady's asshole. I've eatn pussy plenty times, but I'm not sticking my tongue no lower than that. You won't ever see me in THAT video, bossman. Some other homongers could enlightn us on some strange places they've had poon, tho.

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    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basscat View Post

    So to answer the question I would say Jackson square in the daytime
    Damn, that's pretty hardcore. Nice work.

    You're right about the crazy stuff guys are into. I've asked more than one sex worker what outlandish stuff guys have requested. One girl said the guy wanted her to grind her heels into his nutsack while she flicked her cigarette ashes on his tongue. Asked another recently and I guess she thought I was asking for myself. She said as long as it didn't involve shit or blood, she's good. WTF?

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by o2flyhi View Post
    Damn, that's pretty hardcore. Nice work.

    You're right about the crazy stuff guys are into. I've asked more than one sex worker what outlandish stuff guys have requested. One girl said the guy wanted her to grind her heels into his nutsack while she flicked her cigarette ashes on his tongue. Asked another recently and I guess she thought I was asking for myself. She said as long as it didn't involve shit or blood, she's good. WTF?
    Back in the early 00s a 18 year old started working at Caseys in Mobile. She and I ended up super close so I was privy to all her tales from work. There are a lot of depraved stories I could tell just from her alone but the few that stick out are. The local Mobile weatherman saw her 3 times a week. He always wanted the same thing. She would shove and eggplant up his ass and degrade him like he was the worst human on earth while he beat it (he provided the eggplant I guess he liked a certain size and shape). The other I wont name because he is a member on all the boards had her stand on his sack with stripper heels on. That she said she enjoyed since its what she wanted to do to every lowlife that came and used her pussy. I cant tell you how many people she would piss and shit one but it was a lot. Its seems shit and piss play is way more common than you think.

    I wish I wasnt so vanilla but I cant help it I just dont get off on anything strange. Its not that I havent tried I have. I have had a dozen women who acted like they were the queen of the prostate massage try and do mine and all I felt was discomfort and pressure. I wanted it to work as I have had countless guys tell me its the best nut you will ever get but for me nothing.

    I dont even really enjoy doubles other than its nice to have two girls share giving you head or to have a pussy in your mouth while another girl blows or rides you but honestly I get more or as much out of 69 with a clean freshly showered 20 something.

    Literally the only thing that turns me on that can be considered the least bit odd I guess is titfucking. I love fucking titties. Nothing excites me more than to have a ample chested girl lay on her back and let me thrust till I nut or layback and have her cradle her tits around jr and move up and down till I blow. If anything makes me a perv its that well that and the fact that when I was 20 I made up my mind that I was going to nail a thousand plus women before my junk quit working.

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Yep, just call me vanilla too then. I'm not into kinky stuff at all. But I do LOVE them pussylips. Titties are nice, but I can enjoy an "A" cup as much as a triple "D" as long as she's clean. Sores are a turn off tho. If she's got sores all over her, my junk won't work no matter how hot she is.

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