Agency/Spa/Club Name, Companion's Handle: Vegas Spa, Wendy
Date of Visit: 11/06/21
Preferred Method of Contact: Walk-In
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: San Antonio, TX
Location: 410/Evers , shopping center behind the Mcdonalds
Type of Visit: Incall
Was the Appointment On-Time??
Activities: FBSM, HJ, NE, SE
Length of Visit: 30 Minutes
Donation: 40 + 50
Approximate age of Companion: early 40s
Hair Color and Length: Black
Smoking Status:
Ethnic/Racial background: Asian
Companion Description: Average height and weight maybe just a little thick, good sized breasts, fantastic voice
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Yes
Would you recommend this Agency/Spa?? Yes
Would You Recommend this Companion?? Yes

Public comments:
I don't know how long this place has been open but there's a "Grand Opening" sign above it. i had called ahead last night and asked what time they closed & was struck by the lovely voice of the woman answered Showed up a little bit later, was greeted by Wendy (I asked her name during the massage). There was another woman seated in a sofa in a room to the right but I was told she wasn't available. Massage was good, similar to Orange Rose on Fredericksburg. Wendy spoke very little English but she had the google translate app on her phone. Activities included the ones mentioned above and those that i put in the confidential comments section...

Wendy did indicate that my next visit would include other activities.. i would definitely return.

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