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Thread: Cautious But Unreasonable

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Cautious But Unreasonable

    I can understand a lady tring to be cautious. I'd be scared to death to invite ANYONE to see me, even if I knew them. But for a lady to advertise that she is open to the public, then ask for proof of a guys employment! Race, and age I can understand, but not an actual face pic, or even dick pic. I had a lady ask me for a face pic and a dick pic with 2 fingers being held up in the picture. My gosh, why wouldn't i just give out my real name and address and how you could blackmail me to my work and family. I see ladies on facebook saying 1 more of you guys send me a dick pic, I'm posting it online. I would never send that to anyone. I won't even send 1 to a provider who is asking for 1. Maybe I'm just old school. And I can't blame a lady for tring to be careful. But asking for proof of employment and a face pic, is just over the line, I think. Meet at a safe place like a gas station or something before going behind closed doors. The ladies may feel a little differant about this, but I just can't see sending my real face picture and/or my dick picture, or where I work, to a lady off backpage, (or whatever site).

  2. #2
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    Never give up more than you are comfortable with someone knowing. I've got a great example of why I won't do face pics. There's a provider here that advertises on STG and her only screening is requiring a face pic. Don't really know how that protects her but I do know that it exposes me. A friend told her about me and that I won't do a face pic but he vouched for me so she tells him to give me her number. I contact here thru text, things are going good and she starts with the face pic again. Told her not happening because I know a shit ton of people here plus have relatives here and I don't know who she is then ended contact.

    Then yesterday, I find out my adult niece has a friend that is a provider that only advertises on STG and requires a face pic. Has to be the same woman because they are the same age and I could have exposed my face unknowingly to my niece's friend and in return to my family. So HELL NO I won't send a face, don't care how much I want to meet a lady. You just never know who will see your pic, may even be family. That was too close for my comfort.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    See there, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks for the input, RL!

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    I never send pics of myself. I have references and if that is not enough, so long! When a lady asks for a face pic or any body part of mine, I usually end the conversation not worth my time or effort. Refs are the best way for a lady to protect herself but it seems in some areas any way, such as Atlanta the whole reference system is crumbling because caddy, jealous, envious, ladies think they can hoard customers all to themselves and they stop giving refs or get back with the lady 2 weeks later saying she was out of town or phone was broken, etc. etc.

    The women have destroyed their own protection system for momentary, selfish and manipulative intentions. So, how do they combat competitors not giving refs they stop giving them to those ladies etc. etc. And we are now at face pics and employment verification, but the whole problem with that is most smart customers will not comply with those requirements. This is what I hear from ladies in different areas and all of it is heresay, but thought I would share.

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    A guy would just be asking for trouble if he sent his actual proof of employement to a provider, i think. That's straight up blackmail material, if you ask me. To a self employeed guy, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but say he works at a Walmart Dist. or a factory. That person could post his picture or even his work badge or whatever on facebook for whoever to see. Most likely causing a divorce or even termanation of employment.

  6. #6
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    It is convenient to have a cover. Cover as in cover story. Duh, some people's mind.

    I can even send a dick picture. Can I borrow one of yours, you being bigger than me and all that.

    But when it comes to a face pic, I ain't showing unless the lady is showing and she confirms it is her. Like her ad has several pics and she sends one that is similar to her ad pics but with 2 fingers holding a yellow sticky note with her telephone number on it and asks for a similar one back. THAT is different. I will send a photo of a yellow sticky note held by two fingers with her telephone number written on it.

    Better yet, lets meet in the meat section of Wally World, you carry a yellow sticky note and I will bring mine.

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    In a secret, heavliy defended, underground lair somewhere in the OH2 Badlands
    OP, you would be well served to take the OP’s advice.
    Newbie members friendly. Troll inhospitable & I have an ever growing troll ignore list!!!
    I’m your Huckleberry and this hobby is just my game. Ladies, just say when!! #Pussy Posse founding member
    If you’re BSC, probably BSC, a drama Queen/King, WK or troll, DON’T PM me or post in my threads
    Thanks for your cooperation.
    Email for issues is The verification process is HERE The review gremlin patch is HERE

  8. #8
    Verified Companion Companion The Water Company ~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitar View Post
    Meet at a safe place like a gas station or something before going behind closed doors.
    busts/stings don't only happen behind closed doors on a meet. if it's a bust you'll just be arrested at the gas station and you'll never make it behind closed doors, if it's a bust.

    Quote Originally Posted by aNameInGulfport View Post

    I can even send a dick picture.
    so degrading. i'd never ask someone to send me a dick pic as a way to screen them.

    Quote Originally Posted by aNameInGulfport View Post
    lets meet in the meat section of Wally World, you carry a yellow sticky note and I will bring mine.
    nah, i wouldn't make myself a target like that in case you are L.E.

  9. #9
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    Got a follow up to the STG girl that wants face pics that is friends with my niece.... TL;DR She's BSC.

    Thru a series of circumstances completely unrelated to the hobby world, I met the STG lady over my personal phone today. She has no idea I know who she is and she was calling me because of something pertaining to my niece, just an ordinary call. She talks to me about a couple of situations about my niece and what she is trying to do to help her, etc and it was a decent call. She carries the call on for a little while then, for no real reason, she wants a face pic of me so she can see who she is talking to on the other end. I decline and tell her I don't take pics of myself and send them and she keeps insisting. I still say no and I won't even consider it but she can meet me at my niece's house next time I'm there. And remember, there is NO talk of the hobby world, this is all real world. That's when it gets interesting.

    She sends me a request for a video chat and tells me to click it so we can talk face to face, I tell her no, the same rule applies to video chat as face pics, I just don't do it. She insists and even tells me that we have a connection and she really wants to see me, feels love for me and so on, I still say no. Then she breaks down. I thought she was fake crying until I hear her blow her snotty nose and she is full blown breaking down, I mean bawling, snotting, the whole 9 yards just because I wouldn't video chat with her. All this just from talking about my niece and she's gone full goose bozo on me. There's no way in hell I would ever meet this girl in either the hobby or real world. This carries on for several minutes while I try to get her off the phone and now she's begging for me to video chat with her. No way in hell am I going to send a woman my pic that I just met and tells me she loves me. I mean I'm good but damn, not that good!

    She redefined Bat Shit Crazy for me and solidified in my mind forever that there's no female I want to meet bad enough to send a face pic. Imagine if I had sent it to her because of STG then met her at my niece's house...holy shit! This is the type of woman that will boil your pet rabbit!

  10. #10
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Road Lizard View Post
    Got a follow up to the STG girl that wants face pics that is friends with my niece.... TL;DR She's BSC.

    Thru a series of circumstances completely unrelated to the hobby world, I met the STG lady over my personal phone today. She has no idea I know who she is and she was calling me because of something pertaining to my niece, just an ordinary call. She talks to me about a couple of situations about my niece and what she is trying to do to help her, etc and it was a decent call. She carries the call on for a little while then, for no real reason, she wants a face pic of me so she can see who she is talking to on the other end. I decline and tell her I don't take pics of myself and send them and she keeps insisting. I still say no and I won't even consider it but she can meet me at my niece's house next time I'm there. And remember, there is NO talk of the hobby world, this is all real world. That's when it gets interesting.

    She sends me a request for a video chat and tells me to click it so we can talk face to face, I tell her no, the same rule applies to video chat as face pics, I just don't do it. She insists and even tells me that we have a connection and she really wants to see me, feels love for me and so on, I still say no. Then she breaks down. I thought she was fake crying until I hear her blow her snotty nose and she is full blown breaking down, I mean bawling, snotting, the whole 9 yards just because I wouldn't video chat with her. All this just from talking about my niece and she's gone full goose bozo on me. There's no way in hell I would ever meet this girl in either the hobby or real world. This carries on for several minutes while I try to get her off the phone and now she's begging for me to video chat with her. No way in hell am I going to send a woman my pic that I just met and tells me she loves me. I mean I'm good but damn, not that good!

    She redefined Bat Shit Crazy for me and solidified in my mind forever that there's no female I want to meet bad enough to send a face pic. Imagine if I had sent it to her because of STG then met her at my niece's house...holy shit! This is the type of woman that will boil your pet rabbit!

    Well damn Neo please continue to dodge bullets like that!
    She sounds loco.

  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Dang RL, you should never have sent her that pic of that horse dick of yours. See there, now you have her crying and craving you because of your anatomy. I guess that's another advantage of having a micro peker like I got. The only time I can get a cry is when they actually SEE my face. My girlfriend told me one time that she thought I had a hair down there, til she saw me peeing out of it.

  12. #12
    Verified Companion Companion KynsleyMorgan's Avatar
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    Guitar, just use me as a reference sweetheart. Ive very personal with you and can vouch that you are as endearing and as sweet as they come.

  13. #13
    Verified Companion Companion KynsleyMorgan's Avatar
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    Guys, you are now in an era where a reference is not going to work for you. A board persona, a p411 account, nor 1000s of reviews. Y'all are on the outside of a hazy ass window, looking in and trying to figure out wtf is going on and why we are requiring so much more than we did before 2014.

    Let's start with a lady of caliber (reviewed and verified) being robbed after a session has taken place (equal to a form of rape). A username is a fictional name with no life. A reference is just 4 hollow words that mean nothing. A man can be one way with one woman, and wake up another week and book a girl and decide to pull some mischief just to see if he can get away with it. Resulting in the white envelope scheme. Putting monopoly money in it, going the extra mile and bringing flowers, meeting goes as planned and man makes his exit. Lady goes to check the envelope and sees fake money. No name, no information to help other ladies out to look out for rip-off and rape.

    Another situation, a lady sees a man a few times and stops accepting arrangements with him because there is something about him that just doesn't sit right with her. He is arrogant, misogynistic and degrading to a woman. The lady that stops seeing him cannot outright blacklist him because he has physically not crossed any boundaries with her, except the way she feels in his company. Another lady sees him down the line and gets beat within an inch of her life and the other woman feels guilty because she felt like "if only I had blacklisted him."

    Something to put into retrospect- we put ourselves at risk every day, to take a moment in time to help Y'ALL relax. Y'all need to understand that we are not out to sabotage your home lives, your careers or whatever it is that you have.

    Versus saying all the blah blah blah...we are not gonna...
    Simply ask that she respect your wishes for a pic for a pic. If she says no, move on.
    Ask if you could meet her in a neutral spot, in a safe area and buy her a coffee, if she says no, move on.
    Ask her for her personal website, if she does not have one and you cant find a solid lead that you feel safe about, move on.
    If you cannot afford her rates, move on.

    This game is about keeping each other safe. We both need each other in order for the fun to maintain its balance.

    I hope this finds all of you having an amazing weekend

  14. #14
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Guys your making this way more complicated than it has to be. If a provider ask you for more information than your willing to share simply move on to another provider.

    I think you guys forget that its you that have the power in the provider/client dynamic. You have the money. She wants the money. If a provider ask to much from you just walk away. You can give your money to anyone you want. Thats the beauty of this hobby nobody can tell you how to spend your money. If you want to only see 20 year old black girls you can do it. If you only want to see 60 year old Asian ladies thats your right. If you only want to see women who dont require a picture or any of your real world information guess what you can do that to. The person paying for the service has the ultimate say.

    All that said you cant blame a girl for wanting to be safe. In the same manner a girl cant blame a client for wanting to be safe also. I have heard almost as many stories from clients having a girl try to or actually blackmailing them as I have heard stories from providers who were robbed raped or otherwise harmed by clients. So it goes both ways and I can understand both sides. You have to try and find a happy middle and hope for the best. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done to satisfy both parties and when that happens its best just to move on.

    For me I will not share a picture nor will I give out my real world info or any of my business info. I usually wont even give out my handle as I dont want my person to be identified with my handle by providers. So with most girls even if I see them on oh2 or another hobby board or add site I will tell them I got their info from their stg add or a friend and that I am not a member of any hobby boards. This is two fold. Usually a girl expects clients who make use of hobby boards to pay more and two I dont want girls to know who basscat is. Some do and thats ok but the vast majority of girls have seen bc and have no idea they have as I haven't used my handle to see girls in many years. Ever since the fosta/sesta debacle I have tried to distance myself from anything that could have legal connotations down the road. So bc quit seeing ladies and now just writes fiction for creative writing purposes.

    In a nutshell dont do anything that makes you uncomfortable. That goes both for the gents as well as the ladies.

  15. #15
    Verified Companion Companion KynsleyMorgan's Avatar
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    In a nutshell, I have balls to say it, that which other ladies wont speak, but deal with on a daily basis as well...THE SLOBBYIST MENTALITY (Napoleonic arrogance and a misogynistic outlook)

    Basscat's monger mentality is that of a SLOBBYIST, which is what the vast majority of us detest. The ones who have this mentality are the ones who make it harder for the good guys.

    Don't get me wrong, Basscat is a great person outside of the demi-monde. But wrong in his old school mentality.

    Basscat, you need to stop thinking that you run this show with this thought process of the man holds the money lmfao.
    Seriously. It makes you look like a tyrant!

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